Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sleeping Related to Weight Loss

Weight Loss and Sleep

There is a unique relationship between your sleeping habits and the amount of weight that you can lose. Lots of diets and programs that are designed for weight loss may fail as a result of poor sleeping habits. Some of the premier nutritional scientists have discovered that lack of sleep is a major factor with gaining weight. It is hard to put your finger on exactly why this happens, but it is associated with metabolism and when you sleep, your body repairs itself. This process uses calories from fat, proteins, and carbohydrates.

You might say that one of the best fat burners is a long nights sleep. Lets take a look at some facts. Two hormones are released by your body on a daily cycle. One of the hormones helps your body regulate appetite (Cortisol). It gets released by your adrenal gland along with adrenaline. Adrenaline is one of the bodies natural metabolism boosters that makes you feel energized for short periods of time and also makes you more alert. Another side effect of these two hormones being released is fat cells getting used as energy. Cortisol is also important for its roll in forming glucose from proteins in order to help release energy in times of stress. If you feel like you can't sleep, look into a Natural Sleep Aid.

Now that you see the relationship of these two hormones and how they interact with how you feel, lets look at sleep. Another factor in weight gain is adrenal fatigue, which occurs if you don't get adequate amounts of sleep. Something interesting that happens to you is your body begins to crave sugar and carbohydrate snacks as a result of adrenal fatigue.

There has been a lot of research gone into showing not enough sleep causes depression and lack of movement throughout the day. The side effect of this is not as much fat burning happens during the day. Thus sleeping less may trigger you to start gaining weight. If you do get good amounts of sleep, it aids you in weight loss. Having a good nights sleep will help your body eliminate stress in the body and mind. Low amounts of sleep result in feeling stressed more often. Feeling stressed out for so long will make your body produce too much of the hormone cortisol. This hormone then causes too much glucose to be produced and it ends up being turned into fat.   

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