Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fat Burning While Lifting

Lifting For Fat Burning

Many men and women may be under the impression that lifting weights in the gym is just for getting bigger muscles, but there are much more effects that happen. Much of this depends on your diet though. If your working out and burning more calories than your eating, weight loss will happen. Under this scenario muscle building will go on to the extent that there is enough energy to make it happen. If your at a calorie deficit, muscle building is going to be harder, but getting more toned does occur.

                                             Best Fat Burners For Bodybuilders

Fat To Muscle Myth

Fat can not turn into muscle and muscle can not turn into fat. Every person in the world is able to gain or lose muscle mass and gain or lose fat. They don't interconnect though. Fat loss mainly comes from slow and methodical workouts that are not super intense but still get your body using energy and sweating. Muscle loss results when you stop using your muscles for awhile. 

Fat gain results when you eat a lot of fatty foods or carbohydrates in excess of the amount your body uses to give you energy. The rest gets stored as fat cells. Eventually, these will build up causing obesity. Muscle gain results from working out your muscles, tearing them down, and then consuming enough protein so they can be regenerated into stronger versions of what they previously were.

All of this happens based on our ancient and natural responses for survival. If muscles get broken down, the body thinks it will die if muscles are not built back stronger and tougher. It may seem simple, but in a nutshell it's how muscles work at a high level. To get optimal muscle gains, you have to have healthy proteins in your system.

Burning Fat

Many men or women might want to lose fat while they workout and are not as concerned with building muscle. This is possible and as we just said, neither one gets converted into the other. They are separate and function independently for growth and loss.

Doing high reps with low weight is a good way to trim down the fat. Find a lifting routine that lasts for about an hour to an hour and a half is suitable. If you can get in consistent lifting with small breaks, the fat will come off very quickly. This method is one of the most effective fat burners that is possible to do. The reason why it beats running is because you actually build lean muscle tissue and burn fat cells at the same time. Lean muscle tissue takes more energy to maintain, which means you can consume more calories with less fat gains because your body won't be able to store as much. It will have to use it to maintain lean muscle tissue. 

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