Sunday, October 30, 2011



Lets start this off with the thing that stuck out the most on DecaSlim's main website. They say that some people claim to lose 8 pounds in 48 hours. This type of weight loss is not safe nor healthy. If they really did lose that much weight, there is nothing stopping them from having long term serious metabolic problems and poor health. The ingredients in DecaSlim are all natural. This is the only positive thing about its makeup. Unlike other fat burners, this one says it can have enormous weight loss effects. 

If you want to lose weight, no matter how obese you are, a healthy amount is about 2lbs - 5lbs per week. After a few months, or weeks you body should be to wear you want it. The purpose of fat burners is to enhance your ability to lose weight by way of getting rid of your fat. The natural based diet pills such as DecaSlim can be good if they are using the most purest form of its ingredients. The problem is that many companies get greedy and want to spread out their ingredients to thin and the effect of this is poor quality. Additionally, this can result in no weight loss at all. DecaSlim does not say anything about their purity of ingredients.                                                                  

DecaSlim uses a lot of dietary fiber type nutrients to provide you with many appetite suppressant type results. The only component used in this that does help burn fat is calledTonalin. This is derived from a natural safflower oil. The way it works is by blocking the ability of a certain enzyme called lipoprotein lipase to break down fat that we consume in our diets. It claims that this will keep fat out of cells and you will look more lean. There are no studied related to this Tonalin ingredient so you have to take their word that that is what it does. 


  • Contains only natural ingredients


  • Price is high
  • No studies on their diet pill
  • Outrageous claims of 8 pounds of weight loss in 48 hours (not safe and unrealistic)

Top Fat Burner We Suggest - Phen375

Our best fat burner that is most effective for natural weight loss is Zotrim.
  • Uses pharmaceutical grade ingredients made from nutrients
  • Raises energy
  • Reduces fat storage
  • Proven and 100% FDA approved

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