Lipofuze is said to use fat burning ingredients to give you weight loss. However, this weight loss pills ingredients are not all natural by any means. It uses some safe ingredients like Capsaicin, cinnamon, and ginger. Other that that, it is difficult to back the safety of LipFuze.
It uses some fairly potent chemical and synthetic based components in order to make you lose weight. Its main ingredient is called ThermoDiamine, which is a thermogenic type enhancement. It can be a little dangerous because it results in long term side effects on your receptors that regulate body temperature. Generally our fat burners don't mess with controlling your body temperature because it is not safe.
Another ingredient used by Lipofuze is ForsLean. This is basically more powerful then an anabolic steroid. These types of compounds can cause heart issues that are permanent. The ingredient that really puts this diet pill beyond our recommendation is the use of phenylethylamine. This is a chemical that mimics neurotransmitters in the brain, which causes irregular mood swings and appetite irregularities.
It uses some fairly potent chemical and synthetic based components in order to make you lose weight. Its main ingredient is called ThermoDiamine, which is a thermogenic type enhancement. It can be a little dangerous because it results in long term side effects on your receptors that regulate body temperature. Generally our fat burners don't mess with controlling your body temperature because it is not safe.
Another ingredient used by Lipofuze is ForsLean. This is basically more powerful then an anabolic steroid. These types of compounds can cause heart issues that are permanent. The ingredient that really puts this diet pill beyond our recommendation is the use of phenylethylamine. This is a chemical that mimics neurotransmitters in the brain, which causes irregular mood swings and appetite irregularities.
- Price is cheap.
- Dangerous ingredients
- Unsafe weight loss
- Uses phenylethylamine
- No studies that are legitimate
Our Recommended Fat Burner - Phen375
We offer the most powerful and legal weight loss pill on the market that uses safe ingredients and has great fat burning results. This is Phen375 and it offers some pure and proven ingredients that are all 100% FDA approved. You can get healthy appetite suppression, weight loss of about 20 lbs in first month of use, and the ability to burn more fat.
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