Sunday, June 24, 2012

Alcohol and Weight Loss

Alcohol and Weight Loss

Any diet should contain very limited amounts of alcohol or none at all. The reason being is all the calories involved in drinking. Some beverages contain up to 7 calories in a single gram. To give you some perspective, a regular size soda  has about 3 calories per gram. Trying to get fat loss while drinking a lot of beer is very difficult.

Psychological factors can also diminish your drive to stay focused on good diet and exercise. You may give up and go back to the old high fat/low active lifestyle.

Why It's Hard To Stop Drinking

A major reason drinking is difficult to stop is because many social situations are conducive to drinking. Since we are social creatures, it is difficult to change the way we interact in these situations. If you can learn to enjoy yourself in any situation that involves other people without alcohol, your weight loss and overall happiness should go up. Some of you may require a drink no matter what, so let's see what is best to drink on a diet.

Low Calorie Alcohol

Try out straight liquor combined with seltzer water. Only use about one ounce of liquor per glass and the rest should be seltzer water. Regular water is also good. This cuts your calorie intake from a few hundred calories to just 65 -80 depending on the drink. The best solution is to use 100% water :)

Don't think that people won't like you anymore if you're sober. Chances are, your real personality is funnier than when your drunk, and you can still remember what happened the night before if you don't get wasted. Most people drink and just act belligerent and not like themselves. If you can't be happy with your plain self in a social situation, this might cause more drinking. In the long run, it's very beneficial for your health to be comfortable with yourself and not drink very much.

White wine is another good option that has a fairly low amount of calories. You can expect to get 80 - 145 calories per glass. This varies on the type, brand, and size of your glass. Control the amount of glasses your throwing down and it help your diet from failing. A good suggestion is to drink one glass of wine and than one glass of pure water. It fills you up and controls calorie intake.

Next up is light beer. Clearly, this is good because by definition it contains fewer calories. Light beer cuts about 50% of the calories out of your diet as opposed to drinking regular beer. Any diet plan can survive with this. Another plus for this alcoholic beverage is the low amount of carbohydrates.

Bad Alcoholic Drinks For Weight Loss

Creamy liquor is very bad on your health and weight. This is one type of beverage to keep at a distance because of all its fat, sugar, and alcohol concentration. Creamy alcoholic drinks give you all the bad stuff all at once. Consume too much of this and you're going to reach the all mighty muffin top. Another bad part about creamy liquors is they have milk. This adds even more calories on top of everything else (up to 100 calories per ounce). It's no wonder beer guts are so prevalent.

The Worst One

You need to stay clear of frozen drinks. These slushy based drinks may have as much as 350 calories, which hurts any weight loss plan. Another terrible factor about this is all the sugar. You will get major glucose spikes and hangovers. Gaining body fat is very easy to do with this frozen beverages. The way that your body handles all the carbohydrate sugars is by spiking insulin. As a result, your system can't start carbohydrate oxidation. The net result is lots of sugar stored in fat cells because your body is so busy trying to dispose of calories from the alcohol.

The last bad alcoholic drink for your diet is cocktails. They give you sugar and tons of calories. Sometimes as much as 320 calories might be in one drink. More than two of these in one day will destroy any diet. If your day consists of two big cocktails, you won't be able to get enough healthy calories without going way over the suggested amount.

If your diet is really suffering and you can't find a good way to stop drinking, a healthy diet pill might help you lose weight. Something like Proactol Plus could be helpful because it binds up fats in your stomach and keeps them from being stored. It has no side effects and is completely safe with many studies behind it.

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