Thursday, June 28, 2012



What You Should Be Eating

Having a healthy diet is necessary for many peoples weight loss goals or just staying strong as an athlete. It is also important for the average person to keep a good eating regimen in order to feel good and feel energized throughout the day. With that said, take a look at some of the choices to consider for food.


An all around diet needs to be diverse. Eating the same exact foods everyday may cause more harm then good. Try switching it up weekly. Breakfast is probably the most important meal you eat. The reason is because this is when your body needs to re-start the metabolic process and without food you can't start. Good things to include in your diet for breakfast are any combination of eggs, meat, bread and dairy. These are all energy givers and help jump start metabolism. The amount of calories that is recommended for breakfast is slightly larger than for lunch and dinner. Consume about 900 calories for breakfast in a  2000 calorie diet. This may be different for people who need more than 2000/day. For liquids, you can go with water, orange juice, or milk. Orange juice helps boost your energy levels. After breakfast, it might be a good idea to do small exercises because it is a easier to lose fat in the morning.


This is a time of maintenance and can be filled with just about any type of food. It might be a good time to get your necessary fats in for the day. With diversity in mind, try to give your body some healthy proteins and carbohydrates. Brown rice is really good for you as well as some nice home cooked chicken. For quenching your thirst, water is a reliable filler that can be used at all meals. Orange juice can also be helpful because it gives you energy to make it through the rest of your work day.


Now it is time for recovery. This is a good meal to get in lots of protein and fiber. Most people may think fiber is good to have for breakfast, but it is actually helpful to have later in the day. There are two reason for this. The first one is that it cleanses your system out without offering nutritional value. It also makes you feel a little more full. Feeling more full in the evening prevents extra snacking and junk food eating. Besides this, pasta is a good choice along with more protein.

Improve your diet and health goals by adding nutritional based weight loss supplements.

Fat Burners Work

How Fat Burners Work

The general purpose of any fat burner is to raise your metabolism and allow your body to use fat as a fuel source more readily. Over time it is suppose to result in fat loss and a more trim looking body. Usually many diet pills will decide to use unsafe ingredients that may be harmful or they may use ingredients that are not pure or not concentrated enough to do anything at all.

If you combine a good exercise routine and eating schedule, fat burners basically enhance the results that you would normally get. They can really increase the amount of weight loss you are able to attain safely and in a healthy way.

The fat burners provided here work naturally by using herbs, nutrients, and extracts that give the body what it needs to become a fat burning machine. These supplements use nutrients like Hoodia and Capsicum in order to induce fat burning in the body naturally. There are no known side effects associated with this method.

The other type of diet pills that aid your body in fat loss are synthetic based ones. A big one that was used in the past was Phentermine. However this was made illegal by the FDA. In 2009 a new and safe alternative that used all FDA approved ingredients was developed. This gave similar effects to phentermine without the dangerous side effects. The new fat burner was Phen375. Among all the diet pills offered on the market, this one is highly recommended if you want to really see some results and be safe about it.

By helping your metabolism use fat as fuel by transferring triglycerides across the mitochondrial wall, fat burners have some great results. People who try this out experience about 3lbs - 5 lbs of weight loss per week and enjoy heightened energy levels.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Weight Management

Weight Management

Managing your weight is important if you want to become healthier. It is something that healthy people do often and almost subconsciously. If you really want to control your weight, track it. It is necessary to track calories and have a good working knowledge of how well your body burns fat for energy. Generally speaking, it is always good to do something rather then nothing. This is very important for weight management.

Someone who decides to start an exercise plan that involves doing things that they hate to do, may run into some issues. The problem that happens is the exercise plan fails after a few weeks or months because people need to be happy with what they are doing or have very strong motivators that help them get along with the sadness. If you are not happy, human nature tells you to fix the problem. In this case, to fix the problem you would have to stop exercising.

Solutions to this problem include finding something fun to do for exercise. Millions of people find this in sports. Personally, I feel like basketball is the only reason I am not obese. It has been there for me since I was in grade school and at lunch we always would say that without basketball we would all be fat. This is a primitive look at how young kids were already managing their weight subconsciously.

Ways To Manage Weight 

There are a few ways that you can do this.

1. Diet healthily

2. Exercise a lot and eat whatever you want

3. Do a combination of the previous two

The first method listed here is a long term strategy for losing fat and weight. It takes years of eating right and with proper portions for anyone to actually lose weight. It is a good way to maintain your current weight though without doing much exercise. If your really good at keeping a healthy diet, then it is possible to stay slim and in shape without having to run a mile every day. This method might be enhanced by the right diet pills.

The second method we have up is exercise a lot and eat whatever you want. This is good for people who like sports or like to be active while they enjoy many types of foods. Sustainable exercise usually results for people who enjoy what they are actually doing for exercise. Very few people are able to maintain a lifetime of exercise and stay happy if there is no reward of fulfillment other then the fact that you exercised for that day. I fall into this category for sure. It is a way to keep track of your figure though. This method will make you somewhat healthy, promote good cardiovascular benefits, and long term heart health. You are what you eat though, so try to be on somewhat of a good diet.

The last method is a combination of the two things above. If you can do this, there will be no problem in getting to a superior state of health. I am talking abs and ripped muscles for men and trim/toned bodies for women. This can be done but it takes a full commitment and lifetime of dedication. You have to find ways to keep yourself motivated and also happy with what your doing so you keep doing it.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Simple Weight Management

Easy Weight Management Tips

Consistency Is Key

There are a lot of ways you can manage your weight. Here I will speak of how I myself do it by documenting what my exercises include every week. It is very simple, but does get results and makes me happy. It also shows that consistency is key and keeping up on your workout every single day is more important then any other philosophy about diet and exercise.

Pick some type of body movement or workout that is very challenging to do. For me it used to be push-ups. Start doing this exercise every day at a small amount until you can build up to a respectable number of reps. For me, I now have it set up where I do at least 20 push-ups every single day with no exception. Some days you may feel like doing a little bit more or less, but try and stay at that target number. Your exercise may be something else like pull ups or a type of yoga move. The important thing is that your exercise uses a lot of muscle groups in order to do it.

Now apply this method over the course of a year and see what happens. I am able to eat freely as I crave whatever it may be and all I do for weight management is at least 20 push-ups a day and a little cardio every week. You might be thinking to yourself that 20 push-ups every day is not a lot. The truth is that it is very healthy for you and your overall health.

Reasons Why This Works

  • Allows you to burn more calories on a daily basis
  • Builds lean muscle mass, which in turn uses more fuel to maintain itself and makes it easy to stay in shape
  • Easy to keep up every day for long periods of time
  • Does not take very long
  • Gives you a sense of accomplishment and the feeling you are building up at something to reach a goal or maintain a body type

I said before that I do a little bit of cardio every week. This is not because I feel like I have to. It is just because basketball is something I love to do. It gives a good workout, but it pulls me in all the time. If you want to speed up the process talked about above, just add some type of running or activity that you really like to do and enjoy. The best exercises are ones that make fat burning a residual affect.

  • Trying some weight loss supplements such as Phen375 may also give you enhanced results beyond consistent running if you would like to test this out with your new workout.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Alcohol and Weight Loss

Alcohol and Weight Loss

Any diet should contain very limited amounts of alcohol or none at all. The reason being is all the calories involved in drinking. Some beverages contain up to 7 calories in a single gram. To give you some perspective, a regular size soda  has about 3 calories per gram. Trying to get fat loss while drinking a lot of beer is very difficult.

Psychological factors can also diminish your drive to stay focused on good diet and exercise. You may give up and go back to the old high fat/low active lifestyle.

Why It's Hard To Stop Drinking

A major reason drinking is difficult to stop is because many social situations are conducive to drinking. Since we are social creatures, it is difficult to change the way we interact in these situations. If you can learn to enjoy yourself in any situation that involves other people without alcohol, your weight loss and overall happiness should go up. Some of you may require a drink no matter what, so let's see what is best to drink on a diet.

Low Calorie Alcohol

Try out straight liquor combined with seltzer water. Only use about one ounce of liquor per glass and the rest should be seltzer water. Regular water is also good. This cuts your calorie intake from a few hundred calories to just 65 -80 depending on the drink. The best solution is to use 100% water :)

Don't think that people won't like you anymore if you're sober. Chances are, your real personality is funnier than when your drunk, and you can still remember what happened the night before if you don't get wasted. Most people drink and just act belligerent and not like themselves. If you can't be happy with your plain self in a social situation, this might cause more drinking. In the long run, it's very beneficial for your health to be comfortable with yourself and not drink very much.

White wine is another good option that has a fairly low amount of calories. You can expect to get 80 - 145 calories per glass. This varies on the type, brand, and size of your glass. Control the amount of glasses your throwing down and it help your diet from failing. A good suggestion is to drink one glass of wine and than one glass of pure water. It fills you up and controls calorie intake.

Next up is light beer. Clearly, this is good because by definition it contains fewer calories. Light beer cuts about 50% of the calories out of your diet as opposed to drinking regular beer. Any diet plan can survive with this. Another plus for this alcoholic beverage is the low amount of carbohydrates.

Bad Alcoholic Drinks For Weight Loss

Creamy liquor is very bad on your health and weight. This is one type of beverage to keep at a distance because of all its fat, sugar, and alcohol concentration. Creamy alcoholic drinks give you all the bad stuff all at once. Consume too much of this and you're going to reach the all mighty muffin top. Another bad part about creamy liquors is they have milk. This adds even more calories on top of everything else (up to 100 calories per ounce). It's no wonder beer guts are so prevalent.

The Worst One

You need to stay clear of frozen drinks. These slushy based drinks may have as much as 350 calories, which hurts any weight loss plan. Another terrible factor about this is all the sugar. You will get major glucose spikes and hangovers. Gaining body fat is very easy to do with this frozen beverages. The way that your body handles all the carbohydrate sugars is by spiking insulin. As a result, your system can't start carbohydrate oxidation. The net result is lots of sugar stored in fat cells because your body is so busy trying to dispose of calories from the alcohol.

The last bad alcoholic drink for your diet is cocktails. They give you sugar and tons of calories. Sometimes as much as 320 calories might be in one drink. More than two of these in one day will destroy any diet. If your day consists of two big cocktails, you won't be able to get enough healthy calories without going way over the suggested amount.

If your diet is really suffering and you can't find a good way to stop drinking, a healthy diet pill might help you lose weight. Something like Proactol Plus could be helpful because it binds up fats in your stomach and keeps them from being stored. It has no side effects and is completely safe with many studies behind it.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

How To Maintain Weight Loss

How To Maintain Weight Loss

If you're on a good weight loss journey, you certainly don't want to stop losing weight. When a plateau comes without warning, frustration and sadness can creep up on you. Assuming you're at a weight still considered obese, there are some ways to get back on track for weight loss and start burning more fat. It's not easy, but it is possible.

What you need to do is go through and analyze your diet and exercise plans. When you stop losing weight even though there is still a lot of fat left, the body is telling you something. It's saying "I have no reason to lose any more weight." What you need to do in order to fight back is give it a reason. First of all, get in a good mindset that will's yourself to think more weight can come off. It could be a mental block where you may think it's impossible to lose any more weight. Avoid thinking like this and instead tell yourself what you want to look like.

After you're in the right mindset, it's time for some changes. Switch up your workout by adding some more cardiovascular activities or different lifting workouts. The key here is body fat confusion. When you begin losing weight for the very first time, it probably came off dramatically. This is the phenomenon of something called "the first month." Since your muscles and the rest of your body aren't used to working out and eating healthy, the most results are seen when the shock hits your system. More calories have to be used as energy and nutrients have to be used to build back muscle that was broken down.

All that a plateau means is you're doing just enough to maintain current weight and mass, but not enough "shocking things" to trigger more weight loss. Develop a whole new way of exercising that you can maintain for long term amounts of time. It might be necessary to increase the length of time you are burning calories so that your body has to use more resources to keep you going. It doesn't take too much of an increase to maintain weight loss.

This is a problem that many bodybuilders or regular people who are just trying to build some more muscle run into often. At first, muscle growth happens rapidly as well as extreme soreness. This is because you're changing how the muscles function each day. These muscles get used to the same workouts after awhile and eventually are just maintaining themselves but no growth is occurring. In order to start building muscle again it is necessary to confuse them in order to spark more soreness as well as stronger rebuilding. This might mean harder workouts, different muscle movements, more weight, or more reps.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Fat Burning In A Chair At Work

Fat Burning in the Office

This is something I have been toying with for awhile now with some pretty good results. I have noticed a more toned stomach as well as some fat loss around my entire body. This is good for me because it makes my muscles pop out better. I like doing it because I am a man and feel more confident with muscles. These little tricks are great for people who have to sit in a chair all day and don't get enough exercise (like myself).  Now lets get into the theory I am talking about.

The theory is based around this idea: If you can flex certain muscles periodically throughout your time sitting down, it results in some great benefits.There are a few different techniques to try out so I will list them below. The trick is to keep it up every day and your results will astound you. It does take time and commitement to the process, but in the end its worth it. You will be in better shape. During each process, try to work on your posture by holding the shoulders back.

The Ab Generator 

For this exercise all you need to do is sit up straight in a chair and while you exhale tighten the abs. To start out do 10 to 15, so you don't get light headed from exhaling. This method works on your entire midsection as well as posture. The key behind it is don't stop breathing out when you flex your abs. Instead, make your stomach cause a smooth breathing cycle. It may be difficult to talk during this, but it is worth it to burn fat and build muscle on your stomach. During the course of a day you can do this as many times as you want. Just make sure you take breaks in between sessions. Practice makes perfect.

Bicep Builder

This is a simple exercise that takes little movement. It doesn't matter if you work on one or both arms at a time. Start by facing your palm downwards. Slowly turn it over so your palm is facing up. The entire time you do this keep your bicep tight. Perform this till you start ot feel a burn or pump and then break.

Thigh Sculpter

For this one, focus only on your thigh muscle. Without bending at your midsection, engage the muscle that you would use when trying to get out of your chair. Hold this part of your body flexed for about 20 seconds or more and release. It doesn't matter how many times you do it, just try and feel a burn. Results may very depending on if your chair rolls around easily or not.

Calf Muscle Builder

Many regular people and bodybuilders try to get their calves bigger and more toned. Here is one way to accomplish this. Keep your good posture in the chair and lift your legs up so your balancing on your toes. Elevate your knees so that your calf muscles really feel a burn and almost like it wants to jump out of the skin. Only perform this for a maximum of 25 seconds at a time, but do it as much as you want with breaks.

Now you have the tools to stay in shape even if you work in an office for all hours of the day. These exercises are very good at fat burning as well as muscle building. You will feel their benefits after about a month and should keep doing them as long as you want to keep getting into better shape.

Fat Loss Diets

Fat Loss Diets

Aright people, lets lose some weight! I am putting together a list of the best fat loss diets out there. This is designed to give safe results that are sustainable. The first diet I am looking at is more of a quick solution that should allow you to lose about 20 -25lbs of fat in a month without any exercise for all you lazy people out there. Here we go.

Diet #1 For Fat Loss: No White Carbohydrates

Do not eat any type of white carbohydrates except within 1 hour of a workout (workout not required). So with that said, you are not aloud to eat the following: Any food made with white flour, sugar, bananas, potatoes, and milk.

The second part of this diet is to eat the same foods over and over again. You are able to mix the foods up at eat them at different times and different things together. A very successful dieter always has a few meals and sticks to them. It may take a little self control, but its worth it. Here are the foods you can eat:


  • One egg with egg whites
  • White meat chicken with no breading
  • Beef made organically and originating from grass-fed cows
  • Pork


  • Chickpeas
  • Black beans
  • Soy nuts


  • Peas
  • Steamed vegetables
  • Broccoli

These are all the foods you need for the perfect fat loos diet. The great thing is that you can eat as much in each meal as you want. It is a good idea to maximize your results by sticking to 2 or 3 meals that you develop and only eat those meals every time. If you end up going out to eat, there are still ways to stick to the diet. All you do is switch salads in for french fries. In a mexican food setting it is usually possible to make the rice vegetables instead.
Eating habits with this diet are simple. Just make 4 times during the day to eat. Something to help you get enough energy for the day is consume enough calories. A lot of people on this kind of slow carbohydrate diet may feel low energy because they don't eat enough calories.

Diet #2 For Fat Loss: The Zone

This type of weight management solution looks attractive to me because I am all about balance. If you can balance your life, you get good results. A similar approach goes into "The Zone" diet. All you do is eat the same amount of calories from protein, carbohydrates, and fat throughout your day. It is sad to have good fat burning features as well as allowing for muscle growth.Why this works? The only thing I can think of as to why this works is it prevents you from over concentrating on one type of food. If you get an even amount of nutrition from each source of food/energy, your body won't have an excess of fat, protein, or carbohydrates. Obviously you can't just eat a ton of each category or you will gain wait with all the excess calories that your not burning. This should be able to scale as high as you want though. Just burn as many calories as you consume and results will come.

Diet #3 For Fat Loss: The Dukan Diet

This type of weight loss solution was developed by a French doctor. It is a very simple one that says you can only eat protein one day a week. All the rest of the days you can eat what ever you want besides protein. Your not going to be able to build muscle with this diet, but it may be good for women who don't eat very much or exercise very much. Not having a lot of protein is not recommended though. This is a semi-dangerous idea and should be done with lots of research and health knowledge.If you hate diets and would rather try the best diet pills, try Phen375 or Proactol Plus.

Healthy Diet Pills That Works

See Phen375

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Diet Foods That Suppress Appetite

Diet Foods That Suppress Appetite

People who want to lose weight already know they need a good diet to do so. In order to make sure you know what the best types of foods are, I will list some. Different foods are good for different weight loss problems. The first type of obesity problem we will look at is eating too much.

Obviously, the way to fix this is to eat less food that is more healthy. An even larger benefit to the food listed below is that it helps reduce appetite and cleanse excess waste as well as providing other nutritional values. Here are the best fiber based foods.


This is an important part of anyone's diet. 1 cup of raspberries contains 8 grams of fiber. This amount of fiber is great to help you feel fuller during the day. It also tastes great. Anyone attempting to attain some weight loss should implement this food into their diet.

Whole wheat and cooked Spaghetti 

Here is another great food that is high in fiber. It has a total of 6.2 grams in 1 cup, which makes it second to raspberries. Besides getting all the benefits from its fiber, this is also a good energy giver and should be used for lunch because it will get you through the end of your day. It's also a great alternative to taking energy shots or drinks.


This is essential to anyone who needs more fiber in their diets. Split peas are a type of legume that has a total of 16.3 grams of fiber in 1 cup. The taste might not be so favorable to some people, but don't worry, there are some more alternatives in this category. Alfalfa is another great healthy diet food. Some of the primary reasons people should utilize all types of legumes is that they are very low in fat, have lots of protein, and contain large amounts of fiber.

Fat Loss Vegetable

In this category there is one food that beats the rest. It is artichoke and contains a total of 10.3 grams of fiber in one cup. Artichokes help with bile secretion to the liver and also are a primary source of folic acid and vitamin c. Additionally, there have been studies done on this diet food and it showed an ability to reduce overall fat cells in patients.

Fiber Based Diet Pill

Proactol Plus is a natural fat binding diet pill that helps bind up fat in your stomach. Thefibrous nutrient in this supplement works to reduce fat absorption naturally. You can see a reduction of about 25% in fat digested from any food. The main type of person that this product is used for is someone who has a high fat diet. It works to give weight loss of about 2-4lbs per week depending on your starting weight and the types of food you eat in your diet.