Sunday, November 13, 2011

Acai Berry Diet

Acai Berry Diet

Using Acai Berry in your diet is a good idea. It is a great super food and can help with weight loss. This is something that is made to help you cleanse extra waste and boost energy levels. Getting pure and freeze dried acai into your diet takes a little getting used to. Here are some things you can expect:

  • Healthy Detox
  • Manage weight better
  • Sustained health improvement
  • Reduction of toxins

Its not enough to just eat less calories and exercise more often in order to look better and healthier. You have to eat the right foods and do the right exercises in order to get pleasing results. Knowing this will allow for sustainable weight loss. The key thing about the acai berry is that it feeds your body food that it needs and can use. It is all-natural and very safe.

The Super Fruit

One of the main reasons so many people are looking for powerful health foods like Acai is because of their antioxidant properties. These properties are suppose to eliminate free radicals and keep your body in an overall more healthy state. Some people believe that it also slows the appearance of aging. The way that this makes sense is if you think about all the harm toxins can do if they build up in your system. Taking these out of your system is a good way to reduce risks of sickness and disease. The Acai berry is meant to fill this need.

Feeling better can make your body want to do more things. This means being in a better mood, having better stamina to play with the kids or exercise, and most importantly looking better. Acai Berry is a great slimming diet pill that can be used by anyone. It is an effective detox supplement.

Phenphedrine Pills

Phenphedrine Diet Pills - Dangerous Side Effects

There are thousands of fat burners and other weight loss pills on the internet today. One of the cheapest products being offered is called Phenphedrine. This is claimed to be on of the top supplements that helps you suppress your appetite and burn fat. Another misconception is that this pill contains cocaine and amphetamine. It does not at all. However, lets see exactly how this works for ourselves. If you really read about this miracle weight loss pill you will see that it has some ingredients that claim to stimulate the part of your brain that controls satiation or fullness, metabolism, and increase insulin. The other part of this diet pill works to inhibit the hormones that make you hungry and decrease your metabolism. From the outside it looks great, however the chemicals it uses to work have questionable safety.

The first ingredient used is called DiCaffeine Malate, which is their alternative to using cocaine. Side effects of this are restlessness, trouble sleeping, and ill effects on heart health. Basically, it is just like caffeine but more powerful. Some more things contained in Phenphedrine are Hops, which act like a stimulant and don't aid your health at all, and something called Phenylethylamine. Phenylethylamine is a way for you to get an amphatine like substance. These ingredients combine to cause your body to go into an unhealthy overdrive and give no nutritional benefits at all. As you can see, it is a pretty terrible idea to try and lose weight with this so called hyper fat burner. It may result in terrible side effects that permanently decrease your health. There is a very good alternative to this type of supplement though. If you want to lose weight quicker then normal with a safe product then check out our recommended fat burners.

The reason why we are offering this information and recommending safe alternatives is because some diet pills can be so dangerous to your health and safety. It is very important to use pills that work naturally and are safe, legal, and approved by the FDA in order to lose weight. Things like Phenylethylamine just supercharge your bodies hormones and stimulates chemicals that make your body go into an unsafe overdrive status.

Best Alternative To Phenphedrine - Phen375

As one of the bigger breakout fat burners that come into the markets in 2009, Phen375 is a brand new revised, FDA Approved/tested, and effective weight loss pill. It can offer great fat burning results without the harsh side effects of the old drug called phentermine.
  • 100% Legal and Healthy
  • Consistent weight loss results
  • Metabolizes fat 


Zotrim as a Fat Burner

Lets take a look at how well the fat burner called Zotrim can help you lose weight and get some fat loss. This product actually claims that you can lose up to 5% of your body weight in six weeks, which is a healthy amount. It uses herbal based ingredients to control hunger urges and help you experience weight loss naturally. If you want to feel energized, get rid of excess fat, as well as aid your self in consuming less calories that natural way, Zotrim has been able to provide this. The three herbs contained in this weight loss pill are Yerba Mate, Damiana, and Guarana. 

The first herb used in this diet pill is Yerba Mate. It comes from a tree that grows about 15 meters tall. The minerals that are found in this substance after it is harvested are potassium, magnesium, and manganese. It is actually been studied to reduce obesity in people who have a high fat diet. For this reason it was put into different diet pills.

Next up we have Damiana. This ingredient originates from a shrub in southwest Texas, Central America, and South America. This is also a type of aromatase, which is able to inhibit enzymes that allow the biosynthesis of estrogens. Since estrogens can promote cancer and disease, an aromatase helps prevent this from happening. One more thing about Damiana is it has relaxing effects on your central nervous system. As a result, this can reduce diet stress and provide bell fat loss

Finally the last herb is called Guarana. It is a climbing plant in the maple family. which is native to the amazon basin. The main function of this herb for weight loss is to help the body perceive itself as more full. Acting as an appetite suppressant, fat loss can be increased by making it easier to hold off on the snacks and junk food.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Avoiding Childhood Obesity

Avoiding Childhood Obesity

One thing that tears parents up is when their child has become very obese and overweight. I am not talking about a few extra pounds. I am talking about a child who can not walk properly and has highly dangerous levels of fat. These cases involve health risks that come on just from being overweight. Even though you may feel bleak in this situation, there is hope.

You can make all the excuses you want, but for one reason or another a bad diet mixed with lack of exercise it the main cause. Some reasons why children get affected by this so easily is partly because of their raising and also social conditioning. When kids are young they don't get worried about how they look. Most young children will just eat and play with no worries about things like obesity and body fat percentages.

As a result, kids who feel like eating more bad types of foods in larger quantities could run into some problems. The primary way that problems arise is because of no exercise lifestyles. Eating even 1000 calories in excess each day can effect a child by the tune of 2 pounds of fat per week. In most cases, this is not the average or we would be in real trouble. Still, after a few years of having imbalances in energy output compared to input, children become obese.

Solutions To Get In Shape

Now that you see the ways and reasons why children get overweight, I will talk about a few solutions. First and foremost is discipline and structure. This comes from the top down. Parents need to take responsibility and help their kids. Get them on some meal schedules and educate them about the dangers of having too much fat in their diet. Also, try and implement ways for them to be active. This usually works best by finding out some fun things for them to do. Social situations like neighborhood kickball, baseball, basketball, or even back yard football are all fun things to do for kids. I for one loved the freedom to call up friends when I was board and do something outside as a kid.

It doesn't have to be sports either. Doing things like raking big piles of leaves and jumping into them are always entertaining (As well as helping out with the yard work for parents). There are a million ways to motivate your children to be active. To list some more just so you have no excuses, there is bike riding, skate boarding, inline skating/aggressive inline, swimming, trampoline jumping, hiking through the woods to rivers, and it goes on. Learn more about good ways to exercise.

Mixing fun activities that your kids always want to do and healthy nutrition is an effective combination to aid your children in healthier living. Helping them be more social directly effects this process greatly. Parents can control half of this equation, which is nutrition. From the moment a baby is born, parents can feed it healthily or not. It gets more important from the age of 4 on. From here learning begins to happen, so teaching your kids about good ways to eat by age 4 will make a large impact on their entire life. If they don't know anything else except for eating good foods, importance of calories, responsibility for taking care of themselves, and exercise, good things will happen.

Ignorance might be bliss, but it is also obese. Much joy and happiness can come from performing due diligence with your kids nutrition. They will also pick up on the fact that you're stressing these things. Inherently, a child's mind will automatically think they are being "good" by taking care of their health and making sure their diet is right.

Natural obesity pills will greatly improve the ability of fat loss in a safe way.

Diet Pills For Weight Loss

Using Pills For Weight Loss

Many people who find themselves obese will need some help getting back to a healthy weight. No matter if they got that way genetically, from over eating, with pituitary problem, or just long term calorie surpluses, consistent weight loss can be achieved with the right weight loss pills. Many doctors will recommend a prescription drug to get the results of some one who needs to lose a few hundred pounds. This can have its side effects however. 

You should only be using pills to lose weight if you fall into one of two categories:

  • Have a BMI of 30 or higher and don't suffer from a condition that causes obesity.
  • Anyone who has a BMI of 27 or higher and suffers from a condition that may relate to obesity like high blood pressure or diabetes.

The good thing is that certain natural diet supplements can be very helpful to people who want to lose weight and reduce the severity of their blood pressure or diabetes problems. One highly recommended fat burner to get this done is Capsiplex because of its low side effect factor and powerful herbal makeup. It has an extract obtained from a red hot pepper. This is researched and proven to help people burn more fat off.

It is recommended that a good exercise plan be implemented with this. It is not necessarily essential for you to eat any differently because with the use of a fat burning pill you body will feel less hungry and consume more calories.

Types of Diet Pills

The first type of weight loss solution is something that helps you with weight management. This is called an appetite suppressant. Some of the more effective products being offered on the markets that work naturally to suppress appetite is Unique Hoodia. This is one of the more purer forms of hoodia. Most appetite suppressants are available over the counter without a prescription. This can help people who tend to have craving throughout the day and can't control their portions of food.

The next type of weight loss pill is a fat burner. This helps control the ability of your body to burn fat as energy. Sometimes it is necessary to put a jolt into your body that tells it to stop storing so much fat in cells and start using it for fuel instead. These types of pills will help people lose weight over time and one of the safest and legal products for this is Phen375 because of its advanced build.

Finally, we have something you call a fat binder. This is used in people who consume far too much fatty foods. It works by binding up with fat so it is too big to absorb into triglycerides. The result is that you end up passing the fat straight through your system and excrete it. As far as this goes, the best solution on the market that can give you results with this method is Proactol Plus. It is natural based and very safe to use. 

Fat Burners For Men

Recommended Fat Burner For Men - Phen375

  • Uses 100% FDA Approved ingredients
  • Safe and proven to burn only fat
  • You won't lose muscle mass.
  • Legal everywhere and no harsh side effects
  • Gets that extra 10 - 20 pounds of fat off 

Fat Burners For Men - What works?

Most men want to lose weight. Usually, if they work out it is important to be fat. The main goal for men is building lean muscle mass and cutting the fat off. One solution to this problem is fat burners. If you can get the right type of diet pill, it will allow you to keep building muscle and keep getting fat loss results. The reason why this is tough is because a lot of fat burners end up working against you because they just burn up everything and it is hard to get a good physique and keep getting lean muscle mass gains. 

The right type of fat burner is a natural one that uses plant extracts and herbs such as Capsiplex. The other type of diet pill that is the safest of its kind is Phen375, which uses years of research to put together the right ingredients that only burn fat and let the other nutrients that you consume go into your muscles. 

Both of these types of products don't burn away protein, carbohydrates, and calories that you need to get cut. The way they work is by allowing you to use fat as a primary fuel source during exercise. This is done by a proven method of allowing triglycerides to be absorbed across the mitochondrial wall and get turned into cellular energy. It is actually harder for your body to use fat unless it has some help. If you can get the right kind of Fat burners, they are actually the perfect thing for bodybuilders and weight lifters. The types of diet pills that don't work are TestoRipped, Phenphedrine, and Apidexin. These three pills are pushed for men to use, but they are not safe, proven, or quality. You can see why under our reviews of each of these types of fat burners.  

The reason why this type of diet pill works so well is because it shocks the body "in a good way" to put the body into a fat burning state. It needs this if you have had that extra weight from fat on you for a little while. It gets settled in and no amount of cardio is going to budge it from where it is. For some enhanced fat loss results after exercising, Capsiplex will get you into the right state physically to get fat off and bring out muscles.

Fat Burning While Lifting

Lifting For Fat Burning

Many men and women may be under the impression that lifting weights in the gym is just for getting bigger muscles, but there are much more effects that happen. Much of this depends on your diet though. If your working out and burning more calories than your eating, weight loss will happen. Under this scenario muscle building will go on to the extent that there is enough energy to make it happen. If your at a calorie deficit, muscle building is going to be harder, but getting more toned does occur.

                                             Best Fat Burners For Bodybuilders

Fat To Muscle Myth

Fat can not turn into muscle and muscle can not turn into fat. Every person in the world is able to gain or lose muscle mass and gain or lose fat. They don't interconnect though. Fat loss mainly comes from slow and methodical workouts that are not super intense but still get your body using energy and sweating. Muscle loss results when you stop using your muscles for awhile. 

Fat gain results when you eat a lot of fatty foods or carbohydrates in excess of the amount your body uses to give you energy. The rest gets stored as fat cells. Eventually, these will build up causing obesity. Muscle gain results from working out your muscles, tearing them down, and then consuming enough protein so they can be regenerated into stronger versions of what they previously were.

All of this happens based on our ancient and natural responses for survival. If muscles get broken down, the body thinks it will die if muscles are not built back stronger and tougher. It may seem simple, but in a nutshell it's how muscles work at a high level. To get optimal muscle gains, you have to have healthy proteins in your system.

Burning Fat

Many men or women might want to lose fat while they workout and are not as concerned with building muscle. This is possible and as we just said, neither one gets converted into the other. They are separate and function independently for growth and loss.

Doing high reps with low weight is a good way to trim down the fat. Find a lifting routine that lasts for about an hour to an hour and a half is suitable. If you can get in consistent lifting with small breaks, the fat will come off very quickly. This method is one of the most effective fat burners that is possible to do. The reason why it beats running is because you actually build lean muscle tissue and burn fat cells at the same time. Lean muscle tissue takes more energy to maintain, which means you can consume more calories with less fat gains because your body won't be able to store as much. It will have to use it to maintain lean muscle tissue. 

Hoodia Weight Loss

Hoodia Weight Loss

Due to numerous health hazards caused by being obese, people have become more in tune with their health and weight conscious. No body wants to be over weight. Additionally, both women and men have began to stress the importance of good looks, and would rather stay slim as well as healthy. People who have become fat are attempting many various weight loss plans to slim down. While some ideas are effective, a few are not.

A plan that suits one person might not suit the other, and all weight loss ideas need a large amount of commitment as well as dedication. There are plenty of weight reduction plans available in the market, and you ought to study every strategy thoroughly and pick one that best suits you.

Consistent exercising and following a well balanced, proper diet would be the two essential keys to weight loss. Consuming fewer calories and burning up excess calories from fat will help you slim down constantly. Some people are able to slim down easily, while some people find it really difficult. This can cause aggravation. Then these people use who don't see results will try Diet programs. Losing weight is not magic that may occur immediately; it may occur just gradually as well as steadily, so don't fall for false ads. It is best to consult your physician before you begin an appetite suppressant program. Many people create their very own weight loss program.

There are some products that aid to lose weight and though hundreds of products have been shown in the market in the past years, absolutely nothing has become as popular or in such high demand as the products made of Hoodia Gordonii. For those who haven't heard about Hoodia Gordonii, it's a prickly pear like plant which will help to control those nasty cravings. This particular plant mainly appears within the Kalahari Desert, and can also be known as Hoodia gordonii Cactus.

Hoodia Gordonii continues to be very effective within losing weight. It's believed that the natives associated with Africa are accustomed to eat this to avoid hunger when they go on their own outings. For a long time it has been employed for dealing with bacterial infections as well as heartburn and for controlling hunger pangs. It eliminates the actual cravings for food as well as making you eat less, therefore reducing your weight. This cactus will help you achieve the look you want and also be amazingly beautiful with purple flowers showing up all over it when it is completely grown.

Beer Belly Fat Burners

Beer Belly Fat - Find Out the Truth and Learn How to Solve This Problem

Many people are plagued with this terrible health concern. Getting a beer gut or having excess weight around the midsection may be one of the number one types of obesity in America. It doesn't take a rocket scientists to find out why. It goes back to calories. Many beers have far too many calories and drinking too much will give you weight trouble if your unable to burn it off. These excess calories are metabolized for energy and everything left over that was not needed for energy is turned into triglycerides or fat cells.

Fat Burners



Proactol Plus

Synthetically helps you metabolize fatbetter around your mid section.

Blocks Carbs from beer so you don't store as much of them as fat cells.

Binds fat up so you can eat like you want to but don't have to worry.

Weight loss is possible for these types of body types (Beer Belly Fat). It can be done by cutting down on the types of beer with too many calories, implementing some type of exercise program, and doing some research on fat burners. If you try these three things your weight will go down and that extra belly fat will begin to trim right off your body. Obviously many types of alcohol will advertise a lot about there low calories drinks. You will have no problem finding this out, but if you are, check out Sam Adams light beer. It may be one of the only types of alcohol that doesn't taste like barley flavored water.

Looking at another problem that may not even have to do with Beer is a "Beer Gut". It might not be caused as a result of drinking beer, but your body may want to store all of its extra fat into your mid section. Generally, woman will metabolize calories and put extra fat into their waistline, while men put theirs into the chest. There are exceptions however. It gets there in men and women over long periods of time without a good diet and exercise practices. Once it gets stuck in the stomach, it is a little hard to get out. The solution to this is to shock your body into a fat burning state. This allows for enhanced weight loss results from your workout and dieting efforts. One of the best diet pills to get this done safely and effectively is Phen375. It is a fat burner that is made under very high quality conditions and is 100% legal and approved by the FDA.

Weight Loss Products

Best Weight Loss Products

This is a page put together so people can find the best natural weight loss supplements. These supplement are all safe with no harmful side effects. Many product currently being offered are unsafe or ineffective caffeine pills. These diet pills below are amazing at helping your burn more calories and make it easy to manage your weight during a diet.

There are an assortment of products here. Phen375 and Capsiplex are both fat burners and work safely to give you the ability to metabolize more fat. This means you will use fat cells as energy instead of carbohydrates and protein. One reason why this works so well for people is because they don't have to change how the eat very much. The diet pills work on their own to put you in a fat burning state.

The difference in how these two fat burners work is simple. One is natural and the other one is not. Capsiplex uses an extract from red hot chili peppers in order to give great fat metabolizing benefits. Phen375 was developed in an FDA approved lab and uses specific enzymes to help your body get into a weight loss state.

The other top diet pills are Unique Hoodia and Pure Acai Berry. The hoodia pill is very good at helping you manage your weight. It is a natural appetite suppressant that has been used by many people all over the world. Acai is a great detox type of supplement. This provides weight loss through cleansing. If you feel that lots of plant fibers and berry antioxidants will fit you the best, choose this method.

The reason why we have these different types of products is because not all diet pills work the same and fit one person. Unique Hoodia is for someone who has trouble snacking and just consumes too many calories. The fat burners are for people who just have metabolism issues or eat too many fatty foods and not enough healthy ones.

Best Fat Burners

Best Fat Burners - Phen375 and Capsiplex

Here we are going to list the best fat burners online. The first diet supplement that you see here is Phen375. This is perfectly legal and safe to use anywhere. One reason why this was picked is because it re made itself from the old phentermine pill that became disapproved by the FDA. Phen375 is now the perfect solution for anyone who needs to burn more calories with the exercise they are already doing.

Another element of Phen375 is that it is made in a FDA registered building. This means you can trust and count on every pill to be very pure and safe. Some effects that your body will feel after using this fat burner for a little while is increased metabolism and higher energy levels. It has a unique formula that is designed to help anyone lose weight. The average weight loss that you may expect is about 3 to 5 pounds per week. This falls in line with acceptable and healthy standards on losing weight.

Why is Phen375 Such A Good Fat burner?
The reason why this type of diet pill helps so many people lose weight is because it has done the research and put in the time to figure out how to help the body burn more fat. It is the best fat burner because if you compare it to the rest of the competition, it is much safer and more effective. Other types of supplements use dangerous drugs like Ephedra that have long term effects on heart and central nervous system health. 

Capsiplex - Best Natural Diet Pill out of all Fat Burners

Our second pick for the best supplement is Capsiplex because of its safe and natural fat burning methods. It works by using capsicum extract. This is a nutrient that has some special weight loss properties. It is so effective because of its potent ability for fat burning. Most other fat burners like the DecaSlim product are very under powered. This is a problem because all weight loss pill get put under this net of thinking that none of them work. The fact is that the good ones do work. Capsiplex is one of the best there is. 

The reason why is because it uses something called capsicum. This is made from a red pepper that contains capsaicnoids. This is the compound that causes heat in peppers. The actual reason why peppers developed this hot flavor was so animals would not eat it. There are over 30 years of research that has been done on the great effects red hot peppers and capsicum. Its so popular because its strong, safe, and effective. It increases fat burning, metabolism, and burns more calories for you. 

Weight Loss Pills

Best Weight Loss Pills - Capsiplex - Herbal

Something you must know about this site is that we only endorse the best possible diet pills for weight loss that we can find. Many of our reviews show the true side of fat burners and other types of miracle pills so that the consumer knows what is good and bad. Here we have put a little page together explaining why the best three diet pills that we have chosen are good. The first weight loss supplement is called capsiplex and it is ranked number one. The reason for this is because it is the safest, purest, most cost effective, and healthy way to lose weight. It only uses one ingredient called capsicum extract in order to act as a natural fat burner and appetite suppressant. Lowering your appetite ends up reducing overall calorie intake and burning fat helps change the actual way that you look. For these reason capsiplex is our number one supplement.

Phen375 - Safe and Legal Synthetic Fat Burner

Phen375 is our second best fat burner. The reason why is that it was able to take an old version of phentermine, which was illegal and unsafe, and turn it into one of the safest fat burners that ever hit the planet without losing results. It is made in a very high end pharmaceutical environment and can burn your fat off you no matter how long you have had the extra weight. It doesn't matter who you are, you can lose weight with this weight loss pill. Another reason why Phen375 is in our top fat burners is because it is able to act fast and still maintain a healthy balance of fat burning with its unique enzymes. The amount of weight that you should expect to lose with this is about 2lbs - 5lbs per week.   

Unique Hoodia - Natural Appetite Suppressant

Unique Hoodia is in our top three because it is the best type of diet pill that utilizes Hoodia Gordonii. Most other supplements that have this herb in it are very dulled down and not effective. The reason why Unique Hoodia is such a good appetite suppressant is because of its purity. You can't get this better anywhere else. Another reason why this is our number three pick is because it is very good at changing the lifestyle of anyone who uses it. You will not fail your diet after exposing yourself to this supplement. It makes weight loss so much easier because there are no hunger pangs, cravings, or extra snacking. The way this extract works is by giving you a pure dose of Hoodia Gordonii that has been structured to fit into your bodies system naturally. It has a lot of clinical trials and research behind it. Then, it starts to make you feel less hungry throughout the day. Simply utilizing this feeling of less hunger can help cut down calories and make you look great.

Herbal Fat Burner

Zotrim - Herbal Based Appetite Suppressant

Have you have been looking for an all natural way to help suppress your appetite and lose excess weight, but still get high energy levels? Zotrim is an easy choice for anyone that wants to be able to control their hunger better and get healthy weight loss. The main reason why people can't stay on diets is because of hunger pangs and cravings. You can eliminate this with Zotrim.

There are over 8 clinical trials that prove Zotrim has very effective results. It is possible to lose about 20% of your excess weight with this diet pill. The way it works is with three herbal ingredients. These specific components work to help you feel more full for longer periods of time. They are all plant extracts.

Herbal Ingredients Can Help Your Diet Naturally

The first one is called Yerba Mate. Yerba Mate has some unique qualities about it. It contains minerals like potassium, magnesium, and manganese. The other properties associated with this diet pill are anti obesity aids like appetite suppression and it helps lower cholesterol. It also has antioxidants in it.
Guarana is the next ingredient. This also helps the body perceive itself as being more full then it normally would under the same circumstances. Additionally, this contains caffeine like nutrients that make you more alert and focused. It is the perfect morning supplement to get your day started. You can lose weight and feel energized and focused.

The last component found in Zotrim is Damiana. This is an interesting component because most of the scientific research behind it shows that it has a relaxing effect on the central nervous system as well as provides help for anyone with a low libido. So not only does this diet pill help you lose weight, gain energy, and stay focused, but it also promotes higher sex drives. 


Xylestril - Female Fat Burning Pill

There are a few things to know about Xylestril. This fat burner is not just a supplement for weight loss. It also claims to act as an acne treatment, increase breast size, and be a female enhancement solution. The official website of Xylestril is not for the faint of heart. It literally says that women who blame their weight problems on pregnancy, hormones and genetics, but are still going to be a fat ass. One major problem is that this product represents it self as the all time solution while calling women who are not perfectly fit pigs and scaring them into thinking they will die if they don't buy this product. Anyone who thinks that Xylestril is half way reputable is out of their minds.

The truth is this. There are a bunch of herbs and extracts in this supplement, but they don't do what they should. The only healthy component to this fat burner is called Fenugreek. The function of this is to provide breast feeding mothers with more milk for their babies. Everything else in this has no fat burning qualities and based on the rest of the official Xylestril site, their ingredients are not pure or effective at helping women with acne, weight loss, low female libido, or anything else.

Look at it this way. This pill is something that the makers can say cures all of the insecurities of women. Just because they point out off of a womans insecurities doesn't mean that they can fix them. The only thing that is truly going to help you lose weight is a pure and potent fat burner combined with healthy diet and exercise.


  • Uses Fenugreek (breast milk enhancement)
  • Fairly natural ingredients


  • No scientific backing
  • Impure ingredients
  • Exaggerated claims
  • Can't fix acne, weight gain, or female enhancement
  • Poor ethical persuasion

Summary of Xylestril

This diet pill is terrible for anyone. It is advised to stay away from because there is no possible way that this pill can give any of the results that it claims. The only quality ingredient in this is Fenugreek and it is strictly for enhancing breast milk. The reason why it has no scientific proof is because the claims are pure puffery. It will not make you into a perfect women by any means. 

Recommended Natural Fat Burner For Weight Loss - Phen375

  1. 100% FDA approved ingredients
  2. Scientific backed research
  3. Uses extracts for effective fat burning results


Xenamine - Fat Burner for Weight Loss?

Xenamine is a fat burning supplement, but lets see exactly how it works. This type of product claims that it can give you major weight loss in a short time. The truth is that your body has to lose weight slowly (about 2lbs - 4lbs per week) in order to still be safe. The problem is that Xenamine doesn't show anywhere on its site what the exact amount of weight loss that you should be seeing is.

Basically this means that the company wants you to think your going to lose a lot of weight fast, but won't tell you how much. This diet pills main claim to success is the ability to make your fat cells smaller. This in theory could work, however its ingredients don't reflect these results. Lets see what makes up Xenamine. It has chromium and caffeine in it, which is designed to make your body be more restless and not sleepy. It doesn't really have any direct impact on the size of your fat cells.

Next there is a proprietary blend of nutrients that seem promising at first. They include Hoodia extract, Magnolia Bark, Theobromine, and Maca extract. Here is where the problems come in. Xenamine is claiming one thing, but giving  you ingredients that do another. Simply put, the main ingredients of this claimed fat burner are mainly for suppressing your appetite and making you less hungry. They do not help your fat cells become smaller. Additionally, they have no scientific research or proof that shows this. For all the customer knows, Xenamine could be a sugar pill put together by anyone with some money.


  • Uses some natural extracts


  • Price is a little high
  • Misleading information
  • Too many stimulators
  • Does not make fat cells smaller

Legal Fat Burning Weight Loss Pill - Phen375

  • High quality ingredients designed to eliminate body fat
  • 100% safe and clearly does what it says it will do
  • Lots of research and clinical studies to prove its results
  • Learn more about this supplement here.



Xenadrine claims to give amazing weight loss results and is being pushed very hard by celebrities on TV. Basically, this diet pill claims to give you the body you want because it has the right ingredients and is scientifically proven if combined with healthy diet and exercise.

The main ingredients of this supplement are caffeine, phytosterol complex, Vitamin C, and some Vitamin B complexes. The truth behind these ingredients is that they don't work at causing anything to happen in your body to aid in losing weight and some of the synthetic based ingredients may be dangerous. Additionally, this contains no fat burner qualities at all.

- Lots of promotion
- Has no fat burning ingredients.
- Side effects of ingredients are unknown.
- Has a possibility to be dangerous to heart and cardiovascular health.
- Possible long term problems because of synthetics.

Overall Xenadrine is not safe and is not recommended for use. Compared to any of the fat burners being offered right now, this diet pill does not stack up very well. Some side effects to look out for are the caffeine may cause insomnia or restlessness. Basically, what this weight loss pill is attempting to achieve is jumping on the band wagon by throwing in a bunch of ingredients that they think might help you lose weight. The study that goes along with Xenadrine is very unrealistic because they try and make their supposed weight loss supplement look far too good. They did this by saying that they had a double blind placebo test where people who used Xenadrine lost 21 lbs over people who didn't lost only 2 lbs. They didn't specify any variables and there claimed clinical studies some how didn't take place anywhere because they did not specify where the studies were done. 

Our Top Fat burner Phen375

We offer a very strong and FDA approved fat burner called Phen375 because it has proven ingredients that are made for weight loss. This is safe with no unwanted side effects and you can expect to lose about 3lbs - 5lbs per week using it. Phen375 is designed to help you suppress your appetite, burn fat, and is 100% approved by the FDA. 

Weider Dynamic Fat Burner

Weider Dynamic Fat Burner - Does It Help You Lose Weight?

The first thing that comes out when you look into this weight loss pill is the price. Many stores have offered it from $5 to $10/bottle. This is the cheapest fat burner that you will find reviewed on this site. It is still important to review this product in order to see if it is effective or not. The way this will be done is by looking at its ingredients.

It uses Chromium, Green Tea Extract, Kola nut extract, Caffeine, Cinnanon powder, and Cayenne powder. Obviously these ingredients not that cheep, so you may wonder how Weider Dynamic can offer a fat burner that is so cheep. The answer is spreading out the ingredients over too many bottles. This results in diluted pills that don't work for fat burning at all. The best ingredients in this diet pill is the Green Tea Extract. It is good for suppressing your appetite, but doesn't help with burning fat at all. The rest of the ingredients are stimulants which are not safe for long term use. Caffeine was studies and proven to do nothing for the body as far as metabolizing fat goes.

If you compare this supplement to the best fat burners, there is no comparison at all. Weider Dynamic simply does not give any results if you compare it to weight loss supplements from Herblue.


  • Very inexpensive


Suppresses appetite rather then burns fat
Has chromium
No studies or research behind it

Our Best Recommended Fat Burner - Phen375

This is a type of diet pill that has been tested and researched for awhile now. It came out in 2009 and is very effective. Phen375 can help you burn more calories while you workout and eat right. This gives fast and safe weight loss results.
  • 100% Legal and Safe
  • Burns fat quickly and effectively
  • Well researched and studied

Triple Tea Fat Burner

Triple Tea Fat Burner - Good For Weight Loss?

This is a type of tea supplement which should be avoided. It comes off good, but there are many issues when you get into this supplement. Lets start at its main ingredients. There are White, Green, and Black tea extracts in this. They claim that they have put together a combination that metabolizes fat as well as provides you with antioxidant protection.

Even though these types of ingredients are fairly safe and natural, they are geared more toward eating healthy instead of weight loss. All that their main site says is that there is scientific evidence to show its fat burning abilities. The problem is that there is no proof of results or anything close to it. The fact is anyone can say they have devised a diet pill with extracts and test it in their own home. After which, they may have found that their dog lost 2 pounds after a year of use. This is still weight loss or fat burning with scientific proof, but it doesn't explain to you how well it will help a person lose weight.

There is a few more flaws in this fat burners system. It claims that there is Epigallocatechin -3-Gallate in each of the tea extracts. Clearly they have not done the research on the properties of their own ingredients because Epigallocatechin can not even exist in black teas. The main ingredients of Triple Tea Fat Burner (Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate, has only been studied in the effects of treating HIV and Cancer. It has nothing to do with weight loss.

Pros and Cons Of Triple Tea Fat Burner

  • Uses natural ingredients.
  • Low Price.
  • Doesn't have proven fat burning studies.
  • Main ingredient is not for weight loss.