Sunday, October 30, 2011

Avoiding Childhood Obesity

Avoiding Childhood Obesity

One thing that tears parents up is when their child has become very obese and overweight. I am not talking about a few extra pounds. I am talking about a child who can not walk properly and has highly dangerous levels of fat. These cases involve health risks that come on just from being overweight. Even though you may feel bleak in this situation, there is hope.

You can make all the excuses you want, but for one reason or another a bad diet mixed with lack of exercise it the main cause. Some reasons why children get affected by this so easily is partly because of their raising and also social conditioning. When kids are young they don't get worried about how they look. Most young children will just eat and play with no worries about things like obesity and body fat percentages.

As a result, kids who feel like eating more bad types of foods in larger quantities could run into some problems. The primary way that problems arise is because of no exercise lifestyles. Eating even 1000 calories in excess each day can effect a child by the tune of 2 pounds of fat per week. In most cases, this is not the average or we would be in real trouble. Still, after a few years of having imbalances in energy output compared to input, children become obese.

Solutions To Get In Shape

Now that you see the ways and reasons why children get overweight, I will talk about a few solutions. First and foremost is discipline and structure. This comes from the top down. Parents need to take responsibility and help their kids. Get them on some meal schedules and educate them about the dangers of having too much fat in their diet. Also, try and implement ways for them to be active. This usually works best by finding out some fun things for them to do. Social situations like neighborhood kickball, baseball, basketball, or even back yard football are all fun things to do for kids. I for one loved the freedom to call up friends when I was board and do something outside as a kid.

It doesn't have to be sports either. Doing things like raking big piles of leaves and jumping into them are always entertaining (As well as helping out with the yard work for parents). There are a million ways to motivate your children to be active. To list some more just so you have no excuses, there is bike riding, skate boarding, inline skating/aggressive inline, swimming, trampoline jumping, hiking through the woods to rivers, and it goes on. Learn more about good ways to exercise.

Mixing fun activities that your kids always want to do and healthy nutrition is an effective combination to aid your children in healthier living. Helping them be more social directly effects this process greatly. Parents can control half of this equation, which is nutrition. From the moment a baby is born, parents can feed it healthily or not. It gets more important from the age of 4 on. From here learning begins to happen, so teaching your kids about good ways to eat by age 4 will make a large impact on their entire life. If they don't know anything else except for eating good foods, importance of calories, responsibility for taking care of themselves, and exercise, good things will happen.

Ignorance might be bliss, but it is also obese. Much joy and happiness can come from performing due diligence with your kids nutrition. They will also pick up on the fact that you're stressing these things. Inherently, a child's mind will automatically think they are being "good" by taking care of their health and making sure their diet is right.

Natural obesity pills will greatly improve the ability of fat loss in a safe way.

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